Late Fee on National Masters Entry Removed

VLA Chair John d’Helin has announced that there has been a strong take of of places on the start line for the Australian Laser Masters. There are 93 entries so far.


The VLA and Westernport Yacht Club are looking forward to welcoming Master’s sailors at Westernport in a few weeks time.


Due to the uncertainties created by the current COVID situation and representations from a number of sailors John reports that the $100 late fee has been removed. The organisers also plan to apply a considerate entry fee refund approach where COVID impacts on a sailor’s choice to travel or not. This will be applied on a case by case basis on application to John d’Helin.


The revised NoR covering these changes is Here.


You can place your entry without the late fee Here.


A reminder this is the ranking event for the 2023 World Masters to be held in February in Pattaya, Thailand.